What You Will Take Away...

The fitness industry profession is competitive. Set yourself apart!

  • Be On Point

    Learn what it means to be On Point in your profession in the fitness industry and the skills that are needed to separate your from the pack so that you rise to the top!

  • Discover Your Why

    Raise awareness to your unique fit in the industry and how you can develop your strengths as well as pursue and learn new skills to build your resume.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to Fitness Professional On Point!

    • A message from your instructor

    • Why take this course

    • Before we begin...

  • 02

    Let's Do This!

    • The WHAT: What is a Fitness Professional On Point?

    • The WHY: Why be a Fitness Professional?

    • The HOW: How to become a Fitness Professional that is On Point!

  • 03

    Next Steps...

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

Julie Valenzuela, MS, NCPT

Your Instructor

Namaste! Thank you so much for the opportunity to collaborate with you on your professional journey. I received my bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of San Francisco and moved to Arizona to pursue my master’s in Exercise and Wellness from Arizona State University. Since then, I have had the opportunity to work in various fields of health and fitness including rehabilitation and physical therapy, fitness club management, wellness program coordinating and college level education. I spend the majority of my professional time as a Pilates Instructor certified through the Pilates Method Alliance. On a personal note, I live in Phoenix with my husband, two teenage daughters, and an active, athletic son. Life is pretty busy, but I find time to hike, cook, do yoga and take naps!

Julie Valenzuela

Enroll Now!

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