What You Will Take Away...

To be a personal trainer, you gotta know how to be personal.

  • Learning Style

    Identify ways to recognize your clients' unique ways of learning and how to cater your teaching to how your clients best learn.

  • Client Engagement

    Discover ways to more actively engage and interact with your clients through listening and nonverbals.

  • Effective Cueing

    Learn ways to be the most direct and impactful in communicating your words and queues to clients for an optimal training experience.

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to the Course!

    • Message From Your Instructor

    • What is Effective Cueing?

    • Before We Begin....

  • 02

    Learning Styles

    • Visual, Auditory, Kinetic (VAK)

    • What's Your Learning Style?

  • 03


    • Nonverbals

    • Active Listening

    • Active Engagement

    • Let's See What Your're Learning!

  • 04

    Cueing Methods

    • Tell, Show, Do

    • General Cueing Methods

    • Dos and Don'ts

    • Let's See What Your Learning - Quiz

  • 05

    Next Steps

    • Congratulations!

    • Resources

    • Before you go....

Enroll Now!

Ready to be the best personal trainer?

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